Born in the iron jungles of Vancouver, Rem Skolney, aka “The Western Skirted Tiger,” has been passionately creating artistic imagery since the mid-1990s. In 2016, he left the concrete box behind forever when he moved to the free, open places of Denman Island.

Rem is a skilled composer of fine details and loves to take the eye on grand journeys: giant trees on tall mountains in wild, open landscapes; through rusting halls of old factories entombing steel giants and down the labyrinthian liminal corridors of the backrooms; to a single line of sugar ants on a blade of grass.
Rem can entice a magical world out of the most mundane, sometimes traveling digitally through fictional dreamscapes far removed from the daily automata… sometimes by simply observing with patience and presence enough to tell the story of that moment in a photograph.

Rem’s work is often featured on the cover of the newsletter for Denman and Hornby islands, The Islands Grapevine.


CVC Vol34 17 Photographer Gallery