“It’s getting too damn warm in the Salish Sea,” explains aquatic ecologist Bill Heath. He goes on to tell me about ...
Saving more than local kelp forests.
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A light rain is trying to fall, but it’s more of a mist in the air that clings to eyelashes and hangs, tremulous ...
A visit to Nymph Falls provides poetic inspiration.
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While the idea of collecting fresh eggs at home sounds idyllic, don’t think you can wing it. Like most things ...
A beginner’s guide to keeping chickens.
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Since it was first discovered, fire has been heating our caves, huts and homes. But wood-burning heat has not been ...
A young mason unites modern heating challenges with ancient solutions.
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Memories line a wall of Gord Schreiner’s humble office; the decorated history of one man’s relationship with his ...
A decorated fire chief combines the wisdom gained from experience with a view to the future.
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When the dismissal bell rings at Cumberland Community School, the day is far from over. Students gather for ...
Community education thrives in Cumberland.
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I was a child of the ‘80s and ‘90s. If you were too, your childhood was probably filled with cartoons, sugary ...
One company’s quest to bridge the ever-growing gap between nature and technology.
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In my happy place, I’m away from the world and all its noise. I’m free from unnecessary thought and distraction. ...
Flexing your inner badass at the bar.
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Not so long ago, before real estate prices in Vancouver entered the realm of the absurd, the band Bob’s Yer Uncle, ...
Artists in the Comox Valley create and cultivate a vibrant studio/gallery.
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One of the things I love about living in Comox is being able to ride my bike to the marina to go sailing.
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Our young residents reflect on the home they’re growing up in.
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