Explore Collective Magazine Articles By Topic

Browse our growing collection of articles from current and previous issues of both the Comox Valley Collective and Strathcona Collective magazines by topic.

Composting 101: From and For The Soil

Composting 101: From and For The Soil

Life on Earth exists from and because of soil, yet many of us go about our lives with little thought about its ...

What you take out, you must put back in.

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Cold Water Diving

Cold Water Diving

Cruising over the turbulent waters of Discovery Passage is a familiar activity to many Campbell Riverites. The ...

A visual feast in green local waters may include iconic Wolf Eel.

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Highway 19 Concerts

Highway 19 Concerts

In February 2018, Lucas Schuller drove from Campbell River down to Cumberland to see the Lonesome Ace Stringband ...

LUCAS Schuller brings music to Campbell River.

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The Craft of Barbering

The Craft of Barbering

When Chris Goulet was 14 years old, his brother put a set of clippers in his hand and said, "Give me a mohawk." ...

An homage to the tradition of Dogwood Strip.

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The Elusive Dream Property

The Elusive Dream Property

Five years ago we made a quick decision to sell our house on Salt Spring Island and seek out a more peaceful home ...

A family's peaceful life on Cortes Island.

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Bute Inlet

Bute Inlet

If a crow flew from Campbell River to Bute Inlet Lodge, he would aim for Mount Doogie Dowler. Doogie resembles a ...

A soul-restoring destination for active dreamers.

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Special Olympics in Campbell River

Special Olympics in Campbell River

For more than half a century, Special Olympics sport training programs and competitions have empowered athletes ...

Opening doors that are unimaginable.

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The Comox Valley in the 1960s was remote, beautiful, and serene. It was also secluded, with no major highway ...

After five decades and counting, the show goes on for the Comox Valley Youth Music Centre.

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Glean (v.): Gather (ears of grain, etc.) after the harvest. I recently attended an inspiring symposium hosted ...

This ancient practice may be getting a rebrand, but it’s still about using our food resources wisely.

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Some of my dearest early memories involve water. My dad would tie a rope on my sister’s and my life jackets as we ...

Recreation in the great outdoors hasn’t always been an option for people of colour in Canada. Erica Keen reflects on her family's history and the importance of nature.

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