Tara’s days are currently spent co-running a renewable energy and electrical contracting business (Small Planet Energy) with her partner, homeschooling their two children, and volunteering to coordinate the Caremongering Campbell River (CMCR) initiative. Tara founded CMCR, a grassroots group helping vulnerable people via Facebook, in March of 2020, in response to a massive swell of people in crisis due to COVID. In her spare time, Tara plays soccer in the mid-Island women’s soccer league, enjoys beginners pole dancing classes at the Love for Pole studio, attends events at Centre for Inspired Living, participates in traditional sweat lodge ceremonies, enjoys running on local trails, and visits with her abundance of close family and friends as much as possible. Tara and her family have called Campbell River home for five generations and she feels incredibly lucky to be raising her family on the same road she was raised, which is the same road her mom was raised. She sees Campbell River as a truly special and supportive community that she is proud to call home.

2024 Spring/Summer Strathcona Collective
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” — Margaret Mead Caremongering Campbell River (CMCR) is a grassroots group of […]
Words by Tara JordanPhotos by Carla Duffey
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