Paying it forward

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”
— Margaret Mead

Caremongering Campbell River (CMCR) is a grassroots group of locally based people helping local people. I first created it in March of 2020. The dire circumstances of COVID restrictions caused those most in need to become increasingly vulnerable and in need of community care more than ever before. We now have over 4,300 members making the time to care for one another, with the entire group managed by more than 70 screened volunteers.

When starting the group, I was working as a social service worker frustrated with my inability to serve my community in ways I had once been able to during a crisis. A friend mentioned a group called Caremongering PEI they saw on the 6 o’clock national news. I checked it out and found a brilliant, effective idea and a simple straightforward model. I decided to make one for our city.

The goal of Caremongering Campbell River is to mobilize the community at a grassroots level and to help those in need wherever possible. We accomplish this goal by connecting those with time and extra resources to share with those lacking in time and resources.

So far, the results are amazing. Due to the generosity of our group, we have helped approximately 150 to 200 families with $100 grocery shops once per year—often when their circumstances are the most dire. CMCR also supports food bank deliveries, the organization and delivery of free or affordably sourced second-hand household items, supplying meals, providing decorations and gifts to celebrate children’s birthdays, and other creative ways.

Our guiding principles are kindness, compassion, and empathy. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help, and many of us have needed help at some point. It’s an honour and a privilege to be able to both give and receive support—and we aim to pay it forward whenever possible.

Caremongering in Campbell River

First-hand accounts of CMCR

“I don’t think my brother Ron would be here without the help that this Caremongering group was able to give him. After his amputation and health problems, he had given up hope at times. The fact that this group has no judgment makes it so much easier for people to ask for help—people are willing to help with no judgment. It has done so much for Ron’s morale. We know that we are never alone when we are having our hardest moments in life. I just love this group.”

— Theresa Young and her brother Ron Young have been able to access grocery shops, rides to medical appointments, clothing, and meals through CMCR when they needed it most. Theresa was at work and shared with a co-worker that she was at her wits-end with medical and financial difficulties and heard, “Get hold of Tara Jordan. She will help you.”

“One of the first families we helped was a young mom with a 2-year-old and newborn. We were able to support them by delivering a crib, food, and other baby things that we had and didn’t need anymore. She didn’t have anything. Absolutely nothing. Abject poverty. I see that this group makes a huge difference, and it’s certainly made a huge difference in our lives. We’ve met so many of the people who we are helping, made personal connections, and everyone wins. We probably get hugged and thanked more than I have ever been in my entire life. I’ve lost count of the people who say “You have no idea how much this means to us,” and in return, I’d say the same thing for us. It’s very rewarding, beyond words.”

— Michelle Albrecht, Caremongering CR Volunteer

Caremongering in Campbell River

To join our Caremongering team or support the group with donations, please visit Caremongering – Campbell River on Facebook or text/call group founder and lead organizer Tara Jordan at 250-202-7446.