Juliana is a community-engaged environmental artist who supports individuals and community groups to establish their own cultural significance through skill-sharing, including all stages of ethically harvesting and processing raw plant materials for art-making and environmental art practice. Respectfully using ancestral skills and traditional knowledge that navigates across cultures, and mainly working with garden trims or the so-called “invasive plants,” she also aims to support local ecological restoration that fosters native ecology. Through Plants Are Teachers, she invites individuals to look for opportunities to creatively connect with their local landscape while cultivating reciprocal relationships with the land and people.
Summer 2023 Comox Valley Collective
An invasive plant is defined by context. A plant considered a noxious weed by one person or group may be used for medicine, weaving material, pigment, or ceremony by another. […]
Words & Gallery Photos by Juliana BedoyaOpening photo by Juan Martinezguerra
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