2024 Spring/Summer Strathcona Collective
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” — Margaret Mead Caremongering Campbell River (CMCR) is a grassroots group of […]
Words by Tara JordanPhotos by Carla Duffey

Falling on Concrete Builds Character
Spring/Summer Strathcona Collective
In the late ’90s, while Marshall Toelle and Nate Cherrier were teenagers growing up on Quadra Island, skateboarding was their whole world. The Quadra Island Skate Park was built on the grounds of the Community […]
Words by Alison BellPhotos by Carla Duffey

Focusing My Glass Eye
Spring/Summer Strathcona Collective
I was introduced to flameworked glass, in 2004, when I first meet Mook of Mook’s Glass. After seeing his glass, I insisted he give me a lesson. Apparently, I had a sparkle in […]
Words by Gibson JamesPhotos by Carla Duffey
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