Gwixsisa̱las, Felicia Greekas is a Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw woman, knowledge-keeper, mother, and professional creative who specializes in communications, design, and photography. Felicia leads with integrity and an awareness of her inherent responsibility to the land, bringing a lifetime of experience with Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw laws and ceremonies that have formed her unique world view. She uses an inspired approach woven with creativity and innovative tools to support and develop meaningful communications.
Felicia has a passion for photography and believes in the power of visual storytelling. She is passionate about language and culture and loves being part of the dynamic team at Nawalakw, where collectively, the members hold a strong vision of what can be created when we work together to make the world a better place for our ga̱nga̱nana̱m and for generations to come.
2024 Spring/Summer Strathcona Collective
The beautiful sound of kwak’wala flows from the mouths of fluent speakers, filling the air and my heart. Among our Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw people, our speakers are our treasures—carrying knowledge from generations […]
Words & photo by Gwixsisalas
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