Freshly retired, Anne can be found wandering around beaches and forests photographing the Comox Valley, or paddling the Salish Sea with her dragon boat mates. Anne’s journaling habit is her main source of creative expression these days, however she has authored several published writings, has an ISBN, and penned numerous newspaper articles. Living on the far edge of the Comox Valley in Black Creek, enjoying the quiet rural peace (except for bears and cougars), Anne’s life under the stars is providing new inspiration to rediscover her love of the written word. She continues to lift rocks at low tide, plant flowers in the new garden around the house that she and her husband are building themselves, and camping when they need a break in their vintage trailer in every corner of this beautiful island!
The very first time I dipped my paddle into the Salish Sea, wedged awkwardly in the belly of a dragon boat, I was smitten. Whether it was the friendly seals, […]
Words by Anne ArseneauPhotos by Sara Kempner
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