Imagine no commute to work, more time for sleep and leisurely mornings, flexible hours, no boss, more family time, time for hobbies, no packed lunches, the option to enjoy meals at home, and stealing a workday nap on your living room couch. Welcome to Tin Town.

Tin Town is a live-work community, one of the Comox Valley’s hidden gems, nestled away in Courtenay on Rosewall Crescent. Here you’ll find over thirty tin-clad mixed-use residential (above) and commercial units (below) that join home and work life together. Swing by and enjoy a specialty coffee with friends, pick-up fresh-made pasta, discover a variety of health and healing services from massage therapy, TCM acupuncture and chiropractic to counselling, psychiatry and special needs therapy. Or drop in for a cut at the barber shop while your dog has a groom, enhance your fitness, explore dance, music, yoga or martial arts, or check out the Waldorf inspired school, artist studio tours, and more… the neighbourhood has a vibrant 9-5 buzz during the day, and a quiet, friendly after hours feel.

For many, the Comox Valley is a choice for lifestyle. It’s the perfect place to escape the urban rat race, and find balance between family, work and play. For our family, the opportunity for a live-work setup within this abundant valley epitomizes this. Here, we share with our greater community the services we’re passionate about–personal training, martial arts and yoga–we promote and help build healthy lifestyles all while maintaining our own.

Since opening our studio doors in 2012, Ki Fitness & Health has grown into its own humble community that integrates clients, friends, and family alike. We offer a high quality, professional service from a designed and finished space, much like you’d find in the Big Smoke, but the character of a live-work environment keeps the atmosphere light and personable, and extends relationships beyond strictly business. We know this creates a ripple effect of well-being beyond our doors, and we’re so grateful to be able to provide and enjoy this with our clients.

Our entrepreneurial spirit thrives thanks to this live-work set-up. To own a home and lease a commercial property is a stretch of the wallet at best. With a residential and commercial property combined into one, the prospect of owning both was far more financially feasible, and grants us the cherished business autonomy of not being bound to leasehold agreements and property management. We’re fortunate to have chanced upon this rare lifestyle opportunity and it’s clear that more developments such as Tin Town would positively benefit our communities–economically, environmentally and socially.

A community within a community, Tin Town is an eclectic cluster of services and a gathering of innovative people. As business owners we share ideas, strategies and events; as neighbours we share news, a watchful eye and ladders, and as both we share our struggles, successes, and good times. Summer BBQs, community wide events, roving cocktail parties, and everything else in between. “Tin Townians” throw around ideas–we generate forward thinking future plans for our business community and personal neighbourhood. Tin Town is home, work, family and community. It’s like nowhere else. Drop by sometime and soak up the lifestyle!